Click here – that’s the title of this blog :P

by | Nov 2, 2009 | Questions

When creating hypertext or “links,” why show the URL? Why put “click here” ?

After years of doing web sites, I never cease to be astonished at the ways people get confused, hung up, etc. That’s okay. Everyone is different and not everyone wants/needs to be an internet master. I have learned to build for the LCD, the lowest common denominator, in terms of internet/computer experience . I want a web site to be accessible to all :)

So why put click here or repeat the URL in hypertext?
There are many reasons for this. Here are few that come to mind right away:

1. Lowest Common Denominator: On the LCD subject in addition to what I say above, bear in mind that not everyone processes information the same way. You and I, with reasonable internet experience, may see underlined blue text as a link and know to click on it. Some people don’t. When I make a choice like that I am not posting for myself, I am posting for the lowest common denominator – to make sure that the largest number of people will have success. I have had some experienced users ask about the use of “click here.” It is a similar consideration. 80-90 % of the users know to “click here” but, depending on the site, there may be a percentage who do not know that. I want to make sure things are easy for users – I don’t want them to struggle. I’d rather be redundant than lose some people. Also, someone could be skimming and the URL grabs them whereas the text does not.  Make it easy for them.

2. Printing. If someone prints a page with hypertext and no URL they would not have the URL. Information is lost.

3. Branding. The target URL company will be (should be if they have half a clue) happy to have their info repeated in this variant form. It helps their business.

I say, build a web site to make information easy to access and, where appropriate, offer redundant paths to the important content.
I think it is the right and professional thing to do and to do less does a disservice to the visitor.

With all this said let me back up and say: Know your audience! Determine if this is right for your audience / clientele. If your audience is all a bunch of experienced users then don’t use “click here,” but the URL repeat is still a good idea from a marketing standpoint :)

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