iPhone iPod touch Calendars and Mobile Me sync

by | Nov 5, 2009 | iPod iPhone

According to
You can’t get your birthday calendar onto the ipod touch or iPhone, but here’s a workaround as per:
iPhone 3.1: Explaining Subscribed Calendars and Mobile Me | MyAppleGuide
I pulled this off successfully.  Here is the summary from the page mentioned above:

Syncing Birthday Calendars with iPhone, Mobile Me & iCal

Concerning Birthday calendars, please note:
While a Birthday calendar may appear in the Subscriptions calendar of iCal, it is not a normal subscription calendar, and cannot be added to your iPhone/iPod touch.

This is the workaround I use:

  1. Publish the Birthdays calendar in iCal to Mobile Me (right click and choose publish) and select ‘publish changes automatically’.
  2. Email the calendar to yourself.
  3. Open the email on your iPhone and subscribe to the calendar.
  4. In Mobile Me, navigate to your calendar preferences and select ‘Show birthdays calendar’.

Now if you add a new contact on your Mac or iPhone with a birthday, it will automatically be added to your birthday calendars .

Extra Notes

Currently in iCal, there is no way of specifying which calendars you would like to sync, and as such, all your subscribed calendars will sync with your iPhone/iPod touch. Unfortunately, the only way to prevent this is to remove the calendar from iCal.

For more information, check out these support documents from Apple:

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